Psychedelic Therapy

Whether you are dosing in a clinic or attending a more traditional ceremony, no matter the legal jurisdiction, it can be an experience that will shift you towards living more authentically and with deep purpose because you are brought through a process that can show us the heart of our vulnerability, ego, and essence. This leaves many in a sensitive state, coupled with a lot to process. And left on our own, it can be daunting, confusing, and sometimes very emotionally scary.


What many do not do, or experience is the deep integrative work. Here at MGM, it is most important as we know it as important as the ceremony/journey itself.  We know this because both the quantitative and qualitative data that has been accumulating in psychedelic studies, tell us that integration is a vital component to give you agency and power over your-self and essence that is truly liberating.

Preparation & Assessment

Before deciding to work with plant medicine or psychedelics, it is important to explore if that is what is right for you right now, and then decide which plant medicine or psychedelic is right for you.

For instance, we have worked with people because they wanted to prepare for journey or ceremony, and after a few sessions, decisions changed. For example, some people postponed because our work was going deep into the heart of a few areas, and they wanted to get clarity before moving into a psychedelic.

Some people decided to prepare for their ceremonies and journey by doing the planning work as outlined below. While other clients decided that the plant or psychedelic, they originally thought they would work with turned out to be another plant or psychedelic entirely.


This is a critical phase because we follow much of the information that tells us that working with these psychedelics and plant medicines happens before you take them. In our experience, if one is truly prepared by doing the work to get clear both on their intentions and on their relationships, then you will have tremendous potential to get the healing you need. And this is because by being prepared means that you are prepared for what comes next. 


In the case of a psychedelic, it will often be a catalyst for growth and deeper insights for healing root causes of pain. In the case of plant medicine, on top of what was just stated, it may also form a relationship with you and will guide you to dis-cover what is deep inside you regarding all your relationships and may further heal you to some degree immediately. This is the awareness needed that creates such profound changes after ceremonies.


In both cases, this is what many talk about; that plant medicine and psychedelics will do what traditional talk therapy struggles to do. This is true and is so because the therapeutic set and setting that is so critical and important for integrating all the healing insights you have gained.

To work with a skillful integration therapist means that the gifts that the medicine gives you will be applied to your life and is why we care about all these phases, critically so with integration.


(education, drug interactions, substance interactions and therapeutic potentials )

We believe that to understand healing in all aspects means to understand how drugs affect our physiology. And by drugs, even those as psychoactive or psychotropic drugs (looking at you coffee!), we can better understand how myriad things we ingest, eat, and supplement with, give us insights into how we heal as well as into the reasons for neurological and degenerative diseases, and treatments, themselves. It also aids us in understanding addictions and what is happening inside us.

We look at each person when developing an individualized treatment plan as well as analyzing all of their medications/supplements, conditions, current and past lifestyles, and focus on incorporating what the patient wants to obtain from therapy into all of our treatment plans. We help our patients enact their own plans for the future safely and effectively through a rigorous western medical professional scientific informed lens approach, and act as your pharmaceutical harm reduction specialist for treatment or treatment modification. We also follow that it is also equally important for the patient to do what they know they have to do. We believe that each person has an innate inner wisdom that gives them the knowledge of how to truly heal, and welcome you in this collaboration. We are all in this together.

We can help with antidepressant continuation, alcohol withdrawal, antidepressant and medication interactions, contraindications, and risk reduction in psychedelic use.


Drug Interaction

Substance Interactions

& Therapeutic Potentials